All tagged pov

2022: My Year In Reading - The Stats

My 2022 reading goal was to have 45 percent of books read be written by authors not like me, defined by being a white, cis-gendered male who identifies as gay. Factoring in all diversity markers (and multiple books by the same authors), 53% of books read qualified under the “not like me” umbrella.

2022: The Worst Books I Read

Ultimately, for the amount of books I read in 2022, there were only a few that I actively disliked. While there were many that felt incredibly average, I was able to find redeeming qualities in most reads - even the 22 titles reflected here that account for the lower 20 percent of my total reading.

My 2021 Pride Month Reading List

This year I’m going all in on Pride month reading by only choosing to read stories written by LGBTQ+ writers and/or featuring predominately queer characters. Getting through eight novels in a month is a stretch – even when I was quarantining – but I’m committed to prioritizing this list.