Expectation: A supernatural thriller with historical fiction elements.
Reality: The supernatural is only hinted at in this overstuffed police procedural.
Does listening to audiobooks count as reading? Here it does. Let’s discuss your favorite reads — or listens.
All in Audiobook
Expectation: A supernatural thriller with historical fiction elements.
Reality: The supernatural is only hinted at in this overstuffed police procedural.
Expectation: Teens trying to survive a haunted house where the actors can actually do harm.
Reality: A dark exploration of the horrors that lie within us and around us.
Expectation: A nostalgia-fueled story of what Halloween was like for kids in the 1970s and 1980s.
Reality: A little convoluted, but ultimately an entertaining and family friendly spooky story.
Expectation: High concept horror drivel, if the incredibly low user ratings on Goodreads are to be believed.
Reality: Uneven but creative, I was entertained throughout.
Expectation: A science fiction/horror classic with historical elements.
Reality: A no holds barred exploration of the horrors of slavery through the lens of 20th century sensibility. It was devastating and utterly engrossing.
Expectation: A psychological thriller and modern-day revenge fantasy with queer sensibilities.
Reality: A promising first half is squandered by overstuffed plots and a last-minute reveal that is more frustrating than illuminating.
Expectation: Another imperfect but reflective travelogue with Arthur Less.
Reality: Essentially three different stories mashed together, Greer favored slapstick over sentimental in this inconsequential and unnecessary sequel.
Expectation: A part-romance, part-revenge tale made more heartbreaking due to the time period.
Reality: A simple, yet effective story with no clear villain or hero.
Expectation: Another engrossing novel about a fictional character that feels like someone you’ve known about your whole life.
Reality: Shallow and repetitive but still entertaining, it is the least interesting story from the author.
I read this solely out of FOMO. I’m too old to have followed her Nickelodeon career, and I couldn’t have told you who she was prior to the press about this book. All that to say, you don’t need to be a fan to be enthralled.
Expectation: Yet another take on the Great American AIDS novel.
Reality: A propulsive page-turn that expertly marries fact and fiction. It’s more plot driven than character driven but that’s okay when a story is this entertaining and informative.
Expectation: A family drama infused with Chicagoland ethos (think part “Happy Endings”/part “Shameless”).
Reality: Funnier and more thought provoking than anticipated, I was absolutely engrossed by the story and felt seen in the pages.
Expectation: A high concept buddy dramedy exploring the human and animal connection.
Reality: Marcellus and Tova are the strongest parts of the story, so whenever it shifted to someone else the narrative lost steam. Still, I was charmed overall.
Expectation: A big-hearted family drama with historical fiction elements and the experiences of Caribbean Americans.
Reality: It delivers on the drama and Caribbean experience, but there’s too much plot and too many people making it feel overstuffed and undercooked.
There’s no celebrity gossip or score settling, but we do get an interesting behind-the-scenes view of her time on “Saturday Night Live,” and how she created iconic characters like Mary Catherine Gallagher, Sally O’Malley, Circe Nightshade and Miss Colleen. It was a great nostalgia trip.
Expectation: A science fiction bro-fest with predictable and outlandish plots.
Reality: More political and emotional than anticipated, it reminded me of a 1980s action film — over-the-top and ridiculous but a ton of fun.
Expectation: A romance novel rooted in the world of tech and gaming.
Reality: Nuanced and gorgeous writing, paired with a genre-melding plot made this one of the most immersive and surprising stories I’ve read all year.
Expectation: A dramedy about wanting to hold on to your younger days in the twilight years.
Reality: A unique style of storytelling somewhat masks the affecting exploration of mortality, memory and caring for aging parents.
Expectation: A darkly comedic take on acknowledging your own shortcomings.
Reality: Recursive and mediocre. None of the characters are particularly likeable, which made reading this feel like a chore.
Expectation: A quasi-scifi family drama about carrying the weight of your family’s hopes and dreams.
Reality: A strong first half was ruined by a mid-point plot twist that rendered the rest of the novel far less interesting.